Graphic Design
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
This project was one of the more fun ones because you got to research everything about fast food and how bad it is for you. I learned a lot about fast food which kind of made me not want to eat some of it
especially after reading about Taco Bells meant. YIKES. Everyday in this class i learn more and more and its exciting.
Thursday, March 12, 2015

For this project we had to make a poster of our favorite band and I chose the Script for many reasons. I figured that if I chose this I could do something that had to do with pages falling out of the book because it makes senses because a script is on paper. The script had such great music and you got to learn a lot of new tools and you were able to make it multiple colors. Over all I thought this project was pretty fun and interesting. I originally had made the 3rd poster my original and final copy but, then i started messing around with the colors and fonts so I think they all turned out pretty good in my opinion but, I could always improve on them.
Monday, March 2, 2015
This project was extremely fun mainly because you got to use your imagination and you got to make it how ever you wanted it to be. I love doing projects where you get to do whatever you want because its more interesting then doing something where you have to make it specific. I also learned a lot more interestion tools and ways to use the pen tool, that I didn't know how to before.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
I think this was a very fun and exciting project because I got to experience a lot of the tools again, there were some that I have never used before that I used on this project. I thought this project was definitely something you could get a good laugh out of because of what your finished project is. I was happy with the way my project turned out because they little girl was very cute, and the way it looks made it look like it could be an actual add. Adriana Lima was the model doing this lipstick, which was a big reason I picked this also because lipstick is one thing that never looks the same as it does in adds.
Advertisements can be appear in many different ways, for example some adds come off bad to some people with out the sellers even noticing, they just do whatever they can to sell their project. Although a lot of people take things more different then other people do some still take it badly. I personally don't like adds myself because I feel like they always say whatever they want just to sell the product no matter what, some products are never as they seem when you actually buy them.
An image can persuade someone to buy the product because I mean if it looks good or is pretty you want to buy it for yourself, right? I think everyone has bought that one thing in their life that they didn't really need but its looks made then want it more. People do regret buying it but, when you actually think about it you just liked it because when it looked like.
Lipstick for one is definitely never what it looks like on people that are wearing it. I think the government should rethink some of the advertisements they have on let say TV for example because there are some adds that little kids should not be seeing. Of course they're going to be watching tv so they will no matter what see it. The should limit the amount of adds they have out for certain companies.
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